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Entry Fee $2.00/entry

*NLIS Tags Required*

Sheep must have been bred in a stud registered flock book and must if required by the breed society be tattooed with the official tattoo of that society, signifying that the sheep has been registered or is eligible for registration. sheep must be entered in the name of the owner.

Judging to commence at 9.30AM ~ Prize money and Ribbons for each class and Breed

Entries Close February 13th 2025


Classes Include:


1. Ram lamb Milk tooth

2. Ram 2 tooth

3. Ram 4 tooth and over

4. Ewe lamb Milk tooth

5. Ewe 2 tooth

6. Ewe 4 tooth and over

7. Breeders Group - 1 ram and 2 ewes (Bred by the exhibitor)


*** Champion and reserve champion Ram & Ewe ** Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe of the Show -TROPHIES DONATED BY SCOTS PGC



Young Judges will be held in the Stud Sheep

Milton and Hall sponsors of Young Judges


Brucellosis certificate is required and any sheep entered with artifical colouring or glues will be disqualified.


Sheep Section ~ Friday 14.02.2025-

Entry fee-$5 ;prize money 1st.$10; 2nd.$5;

all lambs to be on the grounds by 2pm. weighed prior to judging at 3pm; judged on trade suitability.  Sale 4pm. by George and Fuhrmann of Warwick

  1. PEN 3 LAMBS 40- 44kg. liveweight

  2. Pen 3 Lambs 44.1-48kg.

  3. Single Lamb 40-44kg

  4. Single Lamb 44.1 - 48kg.

  5. Heaviest Single Compt. 48.1kg. and upwards - $50 donated by Will and Vanessa Bazley

  6. x Bred Ewe with sucker at foot -

  • Champion Lamb judged from all classes​

  • Champion Lamb - $100 donated by Josh Milton - Milton Park Suffolk stud

  • Reserve champion $50 donated by Benjarra Pastoral Co.,

  • Points Prize - Colin Imhoff Memorial Trophy

  • Locals encouraged to buy a lamb and have privately butchered.  Locals who buy private lambs will have free delivery to Carey Bros. Meatworks - butchers to be nominated on the day.

  • Clifton show society will receive 2 1/2 per cent commission on sale of lambs

  • This event will be held at the Clifton Showgrounds

Stud Sheep ~ Saturday 15.02.2025                     Stewards J.Milton,  N Byrne


Stewards; W.Bazley,0499456263;S.Daley 0432291416

Angora Goats Section ~Saturday 15 - 02 - 2025 ;       

Entry Fee $ 1.50           STEWARD: G.DAU



Prize Money - 1st $5, 2nd $3, 3rd $2


Entry Fees must be sent with entries - Entries Close week of Show - Please post to Clifton Show - Angora Section PO Box 35 Clifton 4361. email


Classes Include;


1. Doe 3 years & over

2.Doe 2 years and under 3

3.Doe 1 year and under 2

4.School Doe 1 year and over

5.Doe under 12months

6.School doe under 12months

7.Doe and Progeny- progeny must be over 12months old.


Champion & Reserve Champion School Angora Doe; Champion & Reserve Champion Angora Doe

8. Buck 2 years and over

9. Buck 1 year and under 2

10. School Buck 1 year and over

11. Buck under 12months

12. School Buck under 12months

Champion & Reserve Champion School Angora Buck; Champion & Reserve Champion Angora Buck

13. Breeders Group - (Group must comprise of 3 animals, the progeny of two or more sires, both sexes to be represented and all must be bred by the exhibitor and entered in the stud classes. Names of sires to be specified at time of entry)

14. Sire Progeny Group - (3 head - Minimum of 1 male - sire must be owned or leased by the exhibitor at the time of mating. Both sires must be represented and all must be bred by the exhibitor and entered in the stud classes.


School Supreme Champion Angora

Supreme Champion Angora

Most Successful Exhibitor in Stud Section

A Junior Judging class will be conducted and application to enter will be accepted at the time of judging.

Thanks to the generous sponsors of each section and to the dedicated stewards of each section.


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