14,15,16TH.FEBRUARY 2025
Due to situations out of our control we had had to cancel the 2025 sheepdog trial
Open Trial Prize Money: Clifton Show Dog Pro open sheep dog trial
1st: $300 plus trophy. 2nd: $200 3rd: $100 4th: $80 5th: $60 6th: $40
Novice Final will consist of the top six scoring novice dogs from the open run – novice dogs to be declared on entry form.
Frank Logan Memorial Novice Trial/ Alan Thornton memorial Trial- Prize Money: 1st: $150 plus trophy. 2nd: $100 3rd: $80 4th: $60 5th: $40 6th: $20
Jim Flynn Memorial Trophy sponsored by the Jim Flynn family to be presented to the highest scoring Encourage handler of the trial.
Enquires to Brendan Bange 0428790453 or Gary Barker 0411537891; Entries close 10th February, 2023.
Entries will be accepted via email or post to: Garry Barker, 71 Pinnacle Road, Forest Springs. QLD. 4361. EMAIL
Camping fees apply: $25 PER VAN FOR 3 NIGHTS
Thank you to our sponsors: Dogpro, Steelrod Pty. Ltd., Warwick Credit Union, BHW;
Thanks to the generous sponsors of each trial and to the dedicated stewards of each trial.