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2025    113th Show


Friday 14th

Saturday 15th

Sunday 16th


The 2025 Clifton show will be run in conjunction with any COVID-19 requirements applicable at the time.

1.Do not come to the Clifton Show if you are feeling unwell or exhibiting symptons similar to covid-19


2.Adhere to physical distancing requirements i.e. remain 1.5m apart from people not from your same household.

3.sanitise hands frequently

4. adhere to maximum capacity signs when entering buildings


find Us On Facebook - "Clifton Show Society" - and stay up to date with the latest announcements

What can you expect to see at a typical Clifton Show - Have a look at this quick video to give you an idea

WE NEED YOU - Volunteer and make a difference to this community event

Have some spare time before during or after the show, want to meet some new people, make a contribution to the town then Volunteer for the Show Society.

Volunteers are needed to ensure events can run smoothly, Food and drink can be supplied and those that volunteer have a chance to enjoy the show as well.

An hour, a few hours, a few days any time you can give will be greatly valued and appreciated and will contribute to a successful show - This community event can not go ahead without community spirit and volunteers

For more information speak with the secretary Adele email   ph. 0409809498

Just a few areas help is needed :- Set up ~ Clean Up ~ Stewards ~ Show Canteen Friday, Saturday and Sunday ~ The Bar over the 3 days ~ Plus many other jobs that need to be done

A lot of planning throughout the year and time and effort is put into running the show by members of the community who give up their time and resources to provide this event so before complaining something is lacking or could be done better ask yourself can I help or do something to contribute.

2025 Admission :

Friday No Gate Charge



Adults$15.00 ~ Pensioners $10.00 ~High School Students $10.00 ~ Primary School and Under FREE
Saturday after 3pm    Adults $20 pensioners;H.S.S.$15;




Adults $10 - Pensioner $6 - High School Student $6 - Primary School Students free


Pre Purchased Membership ~ Family $25.00 ~ Single $15

Family tickets 2 adults, children under 16 as at 16th.Feb.

Single ticket 1 adult, children under 16 as at 16th.Feb.







No Car Charge 

2025 Show Program

Major Sponsors for Entertainment;

Clifton Auto Ag Repairs

OD & AM Saville Transport


Pat Weir - MP

SouthEast Engineering

Ray Bunch Machinery 



 4.30 DACHSHUND DASH (A first for Clifton)

5pm RODEO ACTION SATURDAY NIGHT - Please not there will be no camping on the grounds for rodeo patrons, organise a driver.



Office Bearers

Patron ~ Mr.Tim Logan

                        President ~ Mr.Haydn O'Leary

Vice Presidents: Senior ~ Mr B.A Hamilton

                      Junior ~ Mr. A.Gillam

Secretary/Tresurer ~ Mrs A. Saville

Committe ~  J Milton; B Gillam; A Gillam;B.Hamilton T Fowkes;; T O'Leary; K.Flynn; J Thornton; S.Daley; L.Prendergast, N.Haywood;S.Nielsen;

Life Members ~ Mrs D Page; Mrs R Thompson; Mrs B Feltoe;   Mrs P Imhoff; Mrs L May; Mrs AM Saville; DB Grayson; Mr Merv Ruhle; B.A.Hamilton;  T O'Leary, H & D O'Leary; 

Website updated and maintained by Adele Saville & Carissa Saville

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